Unit 2: Interactive Spaces (Lance, Nigel, Will)

What we have so far...

Nigel Li
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Today we managed to get started on prototyping for our project. Will is in charge of designing the "LED Hallway" prototype while Lance and myself will be working on a "Jukebox" of sorts. So far the synergy within our group is definitely present and I am personally more than satisfied at the collective productivity of the group. 

What needs to be done is that we move on from cardboard prototypes. In terms of the Jukebox prototype we intend to use the functions of the Raspberry Pi, allowing users to connect to it wirelessly and stream their songs throught the Pi. There is a good number of resources out there, leaving little ambiguity to our project (which is always great). 

I look forward to what we can come up with and present to the school. I intend to face a deluge of challenges which I cannot wait to overcome. 

"Fail sooner to succeed earlier" 

Final Prototype - Overview

Nigel Li

Working Prototype - 1.0

Nigel Li

The horrible quality is due to the fact that I was using an Apple product to film it. 

Getting my own Raspberry Pi!

Nigel Li

I will be updating our progress via video as well.