Jong Interview Notes

Jong Cha

In the past two days, I interviewed several people, including Mr. Criens and some students. 


Mr. Criens talked about his experience as the athletics director and the assisstant coach of the boys varsity volleyball team. After every game, he goes back to watch the whole video, and cut out highlights to show to the team. If he had a camera that cut the video at each point, it would make this job a lot easier for him. 

Other athletes did not think there was much that could be added, with the use of technology. There were some complaints about drills and the effectiveness of some drills, but there wasn't any particular need that called for a technological solution. 

I also talked to Austin Lee, who is the vice president of Digital Frontiers. The club helps stream IASAS events, and update scores on a website. Austin said that a member of the club had to meticulously key in all the scores and results of the game from a spreadsheet to their IASAS website- a task that is tedious and boring. If we could program something that would make the scores automatically update from the spreadsheet to the website, it would be an efficient addition for the club.