Coming up with our Need

Braxton Po

Today we came together to figure out what the possible problems that we have come across and came up with a bunch of ideas. After we wrote down all of our ideas we each chose the best ones and incorporated them into one project. That project is making a website/app that shows when and where each SAS sport is playing, when intramurals are happening. We are linking the website with social media so when you upload a video and pictures to Facebook, instagram, etc and hashtage SASVolley ball it will automatically post to the website. We also will be posting promos for each of the Iasas sports,intramurals, SAS activities, etc. To sustain this website we are thinking of giving each season coaches, Athletic directors, Admins, intermural coaches the ability to post and keep the website updated. Another idea we were thinking about doing was making the website so everyone can make a account and post their own videos, pictuers.