Design Thinking

Diana Sherwood

On Friday we went to the whiteboard and sorted our post it notes that we had made earlier into 4 categories: realistic, long shot, darling, and delightful. Then we picked out the school navigation ideas that we were sure we were not able to do. After that, the remaining (or I guess I should say winning) ideas were sorted out into other categories, and in the end we managed to come up with 4 different prototypes. I think it's great that we now have 4 prototypes of navigation in school. It's perfect because there are 4 of us, and also because we haven't boxed ourselves in with only having one idea (just an interactive map app).

I learned 2 things that day: 1. my dreams of having guide dogs, cats, and rodents for the school shall never be true and 2. there are 3 very structural people on our team (sorry AJ you're outnumbered)