Unit 2: Environment (Andrew, Harry, Jacqueline, Lena, Rory)

September 2

Lena Fuller

Today we finalized our how might we statement to: How might we raise awareness of SAS's environmental impact? Then we brainstormed about 50 ideas that fell under this category, and then categorized it into yes/ maybe/ no. We then picked out our five best ideas and divided them one idea per group member and decided we would each prototype one idea over the weekend and share on Monday. We were all mostly in favor of our idea to promote recycling through exciting recycling bins and house competition while also raising awarenss of SAS environmental efforts. 

September 6

Rory Vine

 Today was a huge step in our collective thought process. For the past few days, we have been obsessed with one idea, and made it our pet project. We were inadvertantly turning down anyother prototype we had because of this. After a talk with Simon, and a heated debate on the direction of our project, we came to the conclussion that we needed to distance ourselves from our current idea at the time, and focus on the HMW statement only. Thankfully, this worked out great for us, as we came up with a whole new prototype that could possibly be combined with our current design. We shifted from a physical, simple idea, to a more social, pyscological approach to the HMW. Without going into much detail, we still have a lot of work to do in terms of developing it, and testing it. Along with this, we also had a very informative meeting with Prescott Gaylord, who helped us with our original idea, and also went through another round of testing. 

September 5

Lena Fuller

On monday, we narrowed down our prototypes to an SAS farmers market and the interactive recycling bin. The working name for the farmers market is: freSH A S, it would take place outside the quest room near the pending garden SAS is already working on. The other idea is recyclball, an interactice recycling bin with a hoop on top to get students to enjoy recycling. Students could film themselves making trick shots, and then upload it to social media with a #sastainability for the chance to win house points. We would also like to have a motion sensor attached so when they make the shot on a screen above a fact about the environment at SAS would pop up. We are still facing a lot of problems like what location would be best and if it is in the foyer admin might have to approve it, and if students want to dunk and the box is made of cardboard it could break easily. Also, we need to figure out a better system for SAVE club to be able to collect the recycled paper from this box easily and efficiently. Once we made our miniature prototype we tested it on a couple random students and they all had fun participating and said they would enjoy recycling like this. We couldn't really decide on a location, so we had the idea of putting the bin on wheels so we could move it around and it would always be an exciting change. 

rory's section of code

Rory Vine

from tkinter import *

class Application(Frame):

def __init__(self, master):

super(Application, self).



self.bttn_clicks = 0



def create_widget(self):

self.bttn = Button(self) self.bttn['text'] = "Total Clicks: 0"

self.bttn['command'] = self.update_count self.bttn.grid()

def update_count(self):

self.bttn_clicks += 1

self.bttn['text'] = "Total Clicks: " + str(self.bttn_clicks)


root = Tk() root.title("Click Counter")


app = Application(root)




Harry Gascoigne



#establish elements of GUI




app = Frame(interface)





self.bttn + Button (app, text = "Push this button if this changes your view of SAS paper usage")


self.bttn["command"] = class Application(Frame):

def __init__(self, master):


super(Application, self) .__init__(master)

self.grid() self.bttn_clicks = 0


def create_widget(self):

self.bttn = Button(self)

self.bttn ['test'] = "Total Clicks: 0"

self.bttn ['command'] = self.update_count


def update_count(self): self.bttn_clicks += 1:

self.bttn['test'] = "Total Clicks: " + str(self.bttn_clicks)

root = Tk() root.title("Click Counter")


app = Application (root)


#loop the gui





September 16th

Andrew Edds

Today we did some very great work in terms of finalising business plans and creatig better coding sequence for our graphical user interface. I would argue that today was our most productive day because when we needed to get together and work, we did. We worked very well together in terms of gathering the necessary materials and creating something that we are now proud of. I think today was the day where we really took our idea from just an idea and made it closer to something more. 

September 9th

Andrew Edds

On Friday, we took our prototype out along with some questions in to the field and began to get some feedback and understanding. We found some good data and some interesting correlations between recycling at home and change of perspective from out prototype. After working on our prototype and getting feedback in the field, we came back to discuss our design brief and decided to divide up our business plan and get to work. I would say that today was probably our most effective working day as a group because we were able to split up well, get stuff done, and then come back together and do great work. 

September 8

Harry Gascoigne

On Thursday, we took it upon ourselves to build the prototype of our newest design. We went down to the makerspace where the 3D design teacher taught us how to use Makercase(dot)com. We plugged in the dimensions for our big clear plastic box and placed an acrylic sheet into the lazer cutter. After the pieces were cut, we put the box together and secured the edges with tape. Then we filled it with recycled paper and drew out the box's accessories. We then took the box out and questioned multiple students and teachers.

September 7

Jacqueline Routhier

Today we put the time we had to work on our project toward editing our Design Brief. We did this by reading a section and giving feedback to the person for the person to fix. then we tried to go through and compare the rubric and our brief. If we had not pushed the design brief back we would have had more time for this process. Here is a link to our brief https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KhNNGkOX--ecDXttWbCPQcoQhWvJenaqzk91AALT_Fo/edit 


September 1 - Jacqueline

Jacqueline Routhier

Today I interviewed Roopal who is VP of SAVE. I got some insight on how she views SAS's environmental impact. I learned that even us SAVE members don't know where the plastic and cans we recycle are going. She also presented a concern about the general stundent population showing they care about the environment. She feels as though the environmental concerns of the school are poured onto SAVE and GIN but not emphasised enough to the general public. 

As a group we worked on making a question for our project. 

So far I find this process difficult but not impossible.