Recordings of the process

Hayden Reeves
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This was the written journal I kept during my coding process. If it is illegible for some reason, it's also typed below.

Monday, Sep 19, 6:08 pm

So I thought that since my only and very minimal experience with coding was through HTML, I would code using that to make my life just a little easier. still, though, not easy. I'm trying to make an interactive map of Singapore with a few locations you can click on and see some information about.

Monday, Sep 19, 6:49 pm

I designed the map and uploaded it to Flickr so I could try to get the image source which I should be able to link to the HTML. So far, it's not perect. I'm gonna keep toying with it. 

Monday, Sep 19, 7:15 pm

So Flickr didn't work, but I found this website called where I uploaded the photo and recieved a link for the "img src=". Relieved :D Now I just have to figure out the link situation & "coords"... time for some Google education. 

Monday, Sep 19, 7:43 pm

I'm done with this for the night. I'll finish it tomorrow. I'm actually kind of enjoying this.

Monday, Sep 20, 5:16 pm

So I figured out the deal with the "coords" stuff. You have to size the image. I chose "width=600 px". Then you have to find what you want to be the center of your circle and you put that as your first two coordinates. ex, 241,69. Or, I guess, <area shape="circle" coords="241,69,10" href="#singapore_zoo">. I'm starting to get the hang of HTML. 

Monday, Sep 20, 7:18 pm

It took me 27 minutes to finally figure out how to change the line height for a paragraph. I got it, though, frustrating as it was. I've finished my bibliography now. Done and done. 



The coding process for this map was not super esay, but I definitely learned a lot. I think I can truthfully say I know the basics of coding, and I know them well. I did have a few ups and downs (the downs being getting lost and teh ups being when I finally figured it out)... all in all, though, I think I really enjoyed this assignment.