Programming process for october 24

Hayden Reeves

I've decided that my data for the Unit 3 AT project will be about how frequently the word "Trump" is seen in tweets posted including the #Hitler or the keyword "Hitler." I've found a tutorial about how to find that information in python, so I'll keep updated on Nuvu about that. 

I've been told by the tutorial that I need to make an app on twitter, so I made one called "reeves44286 mining." 

I started the coding by importing "tweepy" in terminal by inserting "pip install tweepy==3.3.0"

I was told to input this in my python terminal: 

import tweepy
from tweepy import OAuthHandler
consumer_key = 'E45dKWxNRd4oUQIhNgpSqyncu'
consumer_secret = 'kXV3V69kxXPLUlKq18mOz2eJhDnACVMtx8flkfWM5KG7sMaujy'
access_token = '448004638-yX9qlCQLMIXzNnFm37hiLKhWslWAP1T5ohrj1SDX'
access_secret = 'xQ3mGHvPDDVZ0Fke71zrjWWY0eyKHv7GAsSRXqpHD0kYI'
auth = OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_secret)
api = tweepy.API(auth)

The numbers in token and secret are keys that were given to me by twitter after creating my app. supposedly these will give python access to tweets and information from the app.